Revealed: Why Aussies prefer Kim over Kylie
Kim Kardashian was the most searched celebrity on Google by Australians. Picture: Adam Ward Source: The Daily Telegraph
Kylie Minogue was the only Australian to make it into the top ten Celebrities list. Picture: Adam Ward Source: Herald Sun
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AUSTRALIANS have turned their back on home-grown personalities and events in favour of what's going on beyond our borders.
The release of Googles most popular and fastest rising searches for 2011 identified Kim Kardashian as our most searched celebrity, Justin Bieber the most popular image search and social network Facebook the top overall most Googled.
It also found were looking for love, government jobs and to learn the finer points of planking, the Herald Sun reported.
In a decidedly un-Australian effort, Kylie Minogue was the only Australian to make it into the top ten celebrities list at number four, Brisbane snuck into the top overall search at number seven and Cyclone Yasi snaffled third place on the fastest rising searches list.
Even the time-honoured Australian kitchen favourite the Anzac bi! scuit wa s beaten by Red Velvet cupcakes, cake pops, macaroons and Massaman curry for the most popular food or drink.
The only Australian search term to come out on top was Hamilton Island as the most popular travel destination - and even then it was closely followed by Hawaii.
This years searches also blurred the line between life and death with rumours of Hugh Heffners and Jackie Chans deaths clearly exaggerated. The playboy frontman was 8th most searched celebrity death, while a still sprightly Chan was 10th.
Another popular rumour, the iPhone 5, topped the fastest rising search category, fastest rising news story and came in second most popular for image searches.
Googles top ten searches for 2011:
Top overall searches
1. Facebook
2. YouTube
3. Google
4. Games
5. eBay
6. Hotmail
7. Brisbane
8. Weather
9. News
10. Yahoo
Fastest rising searches
1. iPhone 5
2. Minecraft
3. cyclone yasi
4. planking
5. Adele
6. angry boys
7. royal wedding
8. rugby world cup
9. iPhone 4s
10. Rebecca Black
Fastest-rising people
1. Adele
2. Rebecca Black
3. Amy Winehouse
4. Steve Jobs
5. Marco Simoncelli
6. Nicki Minaj
7. Selena Gomez
8. Jackie Chan
9. Chris Brown
10. Michelle Bridges
Top celebrities
1. Kim Kardashian
2. Scarlett Johansson
3. Emma Watson
4. Kylie
5. Jackie Chan
6. Megan Fox
7. Britney Spears
8. Jennifer Aniston
9. Lindsay Lohan
10. Ellen
Top celebrity death searches
1. Amy Winehouse
2. Ryan Dunn
3. Osama bin Laden
4. Princess Diana
5. Steve Jobs
6. Zyzz
7. Marco Simoncelli
8. Hugh Hefner
9. Elizabeth Taylor
10. Jackie Chan
Most popular image searches
1. Justin Bieber
2. iPhone 5
3.! Katy Pe rry
4. Megan Fox
5. Selena Gomez
6. flowers
7. Kim Kardashian
8. Nicki Minaj
9. Lady Gaga
10. funny pictures
Fastest-rising news Stories
1. iPhone 5
2. Libya
3. Cyclone Yasi
4. youtube
5. Japan
6. Super Rugby
7. Qantas
8. Charlie Sheen
9. Justin Bieber
10. Facebook
Most popular food and drink searches
1. red velvet cupcakes
2. cake pops
3. macaroon
4. massaman curry
5. anzac biscuits
6. pork belly
7. quinoa
8. pizza
9. ice cream sundae
10. scrambled eggs
Most popular jobs searches
1. government
2. mining
3. health
4. part-time jobs
5. Google
6. Coles
7. Woolworths
8. defence
9. teaching
10. I.T.
Most popular searches for what is?
1. what is love?
2. what is energy?
3. what is planking?
4. what is culture?
5. what is electricity?
6. what is ph?
7. what is depression?
8. what is java?
9. what is globalisation?
10. what is communism?
Most popular DIY searches
1. wedding invitations
2. computer
3. solar panels
4. kitchen
5. superannuation
6. fencing
7. baby
8. painting
9. tiles
10. wardrobes
Most popular travel destination
1. Hamilton Island
2. Hawaii
3. Byron Bay
4. Blue Mountains
5. Port Douglas
6. Hayman Island
7. Great Barrier Reef
8. Uluru
9. New York
10. Las Vegas