Kylie Minogue reports Twitter stalker to police

by Tom Bryant, Daily Mirror 8/02/2012

By TOM BRYANT, Deputy Showbiz Editor

KYLIE Minogue revealed yesterday she has spoken to police after being targeted by an online stalker.

The singer took to Twitter to tell all of her followers about her ordeal at the hands of a deluded weirdo.

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She told her fans, who she describes as her lovers: I love 1,033,861 of you LOVERS, but 1 is not a lover, just a deluded weirdo making threats #andthatdoesnotmake-youspecial SO..police alerted.

Fans tweeted their messages of support for Kylie, 43, with one posting: Whoever the weirdo is I hope he (I assume its a he) gets what he deserves. Leave Kylie alone. #andthatdoesnotmake-youspecial.

It is not the first time Kylie has attracted unwanted fans attention.

In 2003 she received 700 letters to her home in Chelsea and her EMI record company offices in London.

The identity of the sender was never discovered but it is thought some included threats of violence.

Officers have given her security advice and she has employed bodyguards for public events since.

The Australian singers management later said that the letters were of an annoying nature rather than being da! ngerous to the star.