Kylie Minogue: 'Limousines are embarrassing'
People News
Aug 28, 2012, 5:01 GMT
Kylie Minogue
Kylie Minogue gets embarrassed if a limousine is sent for her.
The 44-year-old singer - who has lived in London for 20 years - admits she does not always like the glitzy side to being famous and is quite happy to be a 'bush person' every now and again.
She said: 'I'm like, 'Please don't send a limousine!' I find them embarrassing! I love to have this glamorous life sometimes, and if I didn't have any of that, I would probably be dressing up a bit more each day or going out on the weekend and making a real effort.
'But I get to live out those fantasies on stage, in videos or photoshoots. But if I can go somewhere you can wear wellingtons - and just be a total and utter bush person - I need that.'
However, Australian-born Kylie does enjoy being on tour, and often finds she wants to go back on stage when she is done with gigs.
She told the New Review magazine: 'You get to opt out of life for a little bit because you're living in a tour bubble. And then sometimes when real life becomes difficult, we'll joke, 'Let's go on tour again!'
'You know what you're doing, someone puts a call sheet under you. You're on this plane, that bus, you're performing here, here and here. In a way, it simplifies life.'
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