Kylie's career is on display
Twenty-Five Years Of Kylie celebrates her incredible success.
SHE is one of Australia's most successful and loved artists - and in just over three weeks time one fan's tribute to Kylie Minogue's incredible career will take centre stage during the city's third CoastOut Festival.
Twenty-Five Years Of Kylie is a fan's perspective of one of the world's most enduring and successful singers.
The exhibition presents fans of pop music in general and of Kylie herself the chance to take a trip down memory lane with pieces dating back to the release of Kylie's first single, Locomotion, in 1987.
Covering all media formats such as vinyl, cassette, CD and DVD, the exhibition is not only a visual representation of Kylie's music career, but her career as an international icon.
Pieces on display range from Kylie's original Fan Club Kit to magazine covers, books and signature fragrances as well as tour merchandise.
Other notable items in the collection include rare promos and limited edition releases from around the globe as well as many pieces kindly donated by sister Dannii and personally signed by Kylie herself.
The exhibition invites visitors into an interactive space designed to engage all of the senses including sight, sound and smell with its audio and visual presentations, displays and fragrance testing supplied by Coty Australia.
A focal point of the exhibition is the Fan Wall featuring a montage of photos contributed by Kylie fans from around the world each pictured with their own personal favourite p! iece of Kylie memorabilia.
Visitors are also invited to leave a personal message to Kylie in a special book, which will later be presented to the singer herself.
Twenty-Five Years Of Kylie opens at Coffs Central on October 26.
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