Today's top stories

9:36pm, Sun 1 Apr 2012Last updated Sun 1 Apr 2012Kylie Minogue performs on her 'anti-tour' Kylie Minogue played an intimate gig at the Manchester Academy this evening. Credit: AP Photo/Jon Super

Kylie Minogue performed an intimate gig at the Manchester Academy this evening.

She performed for "super-fans only" as part of her celebration of being in showbiz for 25 years.

The gig sold out immediately, despite the 79 price tag.

Kylie Minogue performs on her 'anti-tour' Kylie has just staged four shows in her native Australia. Credit: AP Photo/Jon Super

Kylie is fresh from staging four shows of her "Anti-Tour" of her native Australia. She performed to thousands of fans in huge sold-out runs at the Manchester Arena last year.